protect Shark from extinction
Central idea:
“Biodiversity relies on maintaining the interdependent balance of organisms within systems”.
“Biodiversity relies on maintaining the interdependent balance of organisms within systems”.
inquiry cycle
Exploring, wondering and questioning
Brainstorming using main mapping to organize the relevant information about Sharks. We are discussing about types of sharks, the role of shark in marine ecosystem, its population, their food chain and resources used to get more further information about shark.
Researching and seeking information
We start to research the population of shark. Nowadays, the sharks is endangered. Each types of shark has their own role in marine ecosystem. Shark is the top predator which is having role to make the marine ecosystem being balance. Shark is the doctor of the ocean, it is eating the fish that almost die or diseased fish. Some types of sharks are protect the coral from algae. So, If the shark population is decreased, it caused marine ecosystem will be destroyed. We have responsibility to persuade people to change their perspective toward shark consumption.
We do survey to the school community about shark population. We collect data by giving questionnaire about the consumption of shark and the fact about shark's substances.
Most of them never had experience eating a shark fin soup or even taste it. They aware the role of shark in marine ecosystem.
However, who ever eat shark's meal fell fresh. The reason they consume it is trending and for their healthy. They are following the tradition and don't know exactly the substances in shark it self. Some of them realize that shark is endangered, however they not really understand the role of shark in marine ecosystem. |
We are going to visit WWF and interviewing Mr. Yoga. We collect the information of shark population in Indonesia. We know the natural conservation to save the sharks. In Indonesia, in the area of Raja Ampat and Bali are the places to conserve the shark. Every one who catch the shark on those area will get punishment because those area are sharks conservation region. To keep the population of shark balance, we have to make sure people stop hunting and consuming them.
We also collect information to conserve sharks. We did skype with Ms. Veronica Niken as our speaker to explain more about the places of conservation for sharks. We know the reproduction of shark and the way they survive in the ocean. Sharks do migration to supervise the marine ecosystem in the world.

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Collecting data and reporting finding
We make a info-graph to organize our information. We know that shark is endangered. We understand the important role of shark in marine ecosystem. Shark is a doctor of ocean, they could make the marine ecosystem balance. Many people did not care about that and feel the appearance of shark is dangerous for them. We know the types of shark, not all the shark is carnivore, there are the herbivore shark which are basking shark, whale shark and megamouth shark
Deepening understanding of application of knowledge
We make a test and prediction.
Shark finning experiment
Scientific method
1. Problem
We start to looking for the problem that found from the resource. We concern to the shark population. We wondering with these question:
What makes shark population drop?
What will happen to the shark, if we keep cutting the shark's fin?
What is the impact for marine ecosystem if the shark extinct?
1. Problem
We start to looking for the problem that found from the resource. We concern to the shark population. We wondering with these question:
What makes shark population drop?
What will happen to the shark, if we keep cutting the shark's fin?
What is the impact for marine ecosystem if the shark extinct?
2. Hypothesis
We are discussing the reason why people keep hunting the sharks and cut their fin. Based on the data, some of them looking for the fin because there are peoples consume it and they believe that the substances of the sharks it self could make them healthier or even only following the trend. They know that shark fin could grow up and after they cut the fin, some of them throw back the shark to the ocean. They think that the shark will survive without the fin, because the shark still has the tail to move. However, they do not know the fact about shark.
Shark use their fin to move and help them to take a breath. If they cut their fin, they get difficulty to move or even breath. If the population of shark is engendered, will affect to the marine ecosystem. All the coral reef will covered by moss and fish will not have a place to live. it also changes the quality of sea water.
So, My idea is to persuade and educate people to stop consume or even using product from shark. They may don't even know that shark has the important role to the marine ecosystem. We are going to conduct the experiment that fin is the most important part of the shark. If people do sharks finning, it will cause the shark died and the population will decrease. It will ruin the marine ecosystem.
We are discussing the reason why people keep hunting the sharks and cut their fin. Based on the data, some of them looking for the fin because there are peoples consume it and they believe that the substances of the sharks it self could make them healthier or even only following the trend. They know that shark fin could grow up and after they cut the fin, some of them throw back the shark to the ocean. They think that the shark will survive without the fin, because the shark still has the tail to move. However, they do not know the fact about shark.
Shark use their fin to move and help them to take a breath. If they cut their fin, they get difficulty to move or even breath. If the population of shark is engendered, will affect to the marine ecosystem. All the coral reef will covered by moss and fish will not have a place to live. it also changes the quality of sea water.
So, My idea is to persuade and educate people to stop consume or even using product from shark. They may don't even know that shark has the important role to the marine ecosystem. We are going to conduct the experiment that fin is the most important part of the shark. If people do sharks finning, it will cause the shark died and the population will decrease. It will ruin the marine ecosystem.
3. Procedure
We start to conduct the experiment.
Our experiment is about testing a fish how long it could live with its fin cut.
We start to conduct the experiment.
Our experiment is about testing a fish how long it could live with its fin cut.
- Fish A: All of the fins are cut.
- Fish B: Only the top fin cut.
- Fish C: Normal/released.
- Aquarium
- Fishes
- Water
- Knife/scissors
- Rock’s
- Get the fish and hold it
- Cut its fins
- Put it back to the aquarium
- Then observe it by waiting how long it could survive without fins
- Fish A: lasted for 1 hour and 50 minutes
- Fish B: lasted for 2 hours
- Fish C: Alive
- Fish needs their fins to move easily and to stay alive. The fish could not survive if it
4. Conduct the experiment
We put the fish C in the small poll. We know that every shark need to move and shark is one of fish that need to migrate. Alhamdulillah This fish could survive.
5. Analysis Data
- Base on the experiment we understand that every shark will die due to shark finning. So, We have stop doing it.
Making Connection
We understand the important role of shark in marine ecosystem. The role of sharks:
We are supporting the communities that care of the shark sustainability.
- Keeping the population of fish balanced.
- Eating the sick fishes so the other fishes don’t get infected.
- Keeping the food web/chain balanced.
- Help the coral reefs live.
- The fishes will decrease towards extinction.
- Coral reef will die and bleach because of the algae.
- The ocean will be full of algae and be green.
- The food chain/web will be destroyed.
- There will be no life in the ocean/sea/marine ecosystem.
We are supporting the communities that care of the shark sustainability.
Solving problem in varieties of ways
We have some ideas to share and persuade people in supporting our mission. Our mission is to stop shark finning being consumed and increase sharks population for balancing marine ecosystem.
1. We make a blog about shark
2. We also make video, Kindly check it out.
3. We persuade people to support our mission and educate people about the role of shark in marine ecosystem directly in the car free day
1. We make a blog about shark
2. We also make video, Kindly check it out.
3. We persuade people to support our mission and educate people about the role of shark in marine ecosystem directly in the car free day
Those of the people are supporting our mission