Management system
of cat population
cats are sure cute, but if its population is not managed, it can be a problem.
Cats are known to easily breed. A cat can give birth to five kittens at once and their pregnancy period is relatively short. If their population is not managed, it calls for some problems!
the mentors
The students' group is managed by Ms. Siti Marisa (Icha), Ms. Risna Haspiani and Mr. Adi Lazuardi (Didi).
The research
To know what are the problems of the overpopulation of the cats, we visited the experts on Pusat Pengayom Satwa, Ragunan. In there, we observed how animals are treated. Based on our interviews, the sterilization of the cats is needed to prevent the overpopulation to be happened.
We also take a stray cat from school and put it in our house to be observed. From our observation, it was clear that stray cats can be calmer if sterilized. |