Conservation and Restoration of Mangrove and its ecosystem
The Mentors
Mentor meetings
Tuning In
As tuning in process, students were given some pictures about mangroves. It was called as Talk To The Pictures. Each student was encouraged to describe pictures. They were also given task to find pictures related with mangroves. As following activity, students were having discussion about the articles and making connection with the pictures. It was an interesting strategy since all members in the groups were being knowledgeable and good communicator to discuss about mangroves.
Based on the discussion and meeting, the group decided to narrow the focus of the topic. Students decided to explore about how to conserve and restore mangrove ecosystem from extinction.
Finding Out
Sorting Out: Here are our findings
Going further:

To gain enriched data, each student distributed questionnaires to 20 people.
Soal 1 Apakah Anda tahu tentang hutan bakau?
A. Ya B. Tidak
Soal2 Dimana pohon bakau bisa tumbuh?
A. Lautan B. Pantai C. Tepi pantai
Soal 3 Apakah fungsi hutan bakau
A. Menurunkan kandungan karbon dioksia di udara
B. Areal Tambak Garam C. Pembangkit listrik
Soal 4 Apakah penyebab kerusakan hutan bakau di Indonesia?
A. Tsunami B. Tambak udang C. Intrusi air laut
Soal 5 Manakah yang merupakan hewan di eskosistem hutan bakau? A. Harimau B. Kepiting C. Beruang
To gain enriched data, each student distributed questionnaires to 20 people.
Soal 1 Apakah Anda tahu tentang hutan bakau?
A. Ya B. Tidak
Soal2 Dimana pohon bakau bisa tumbuh?
A. Lautan B. Pantai C. Tepi pantai
Soal 3 Apakah fungsi hutan bakau
A. Menurunkan kandungan karbon dioksia di udara
B. Areal Tambak Garam C. Pembangkit listrik
Soal 4 Apakah penyebab kerusakan hutan bakau di Indonesia?
A. Tsunami B. Tambak udang C. Intrusi air laut
Soal 5 Manakah yang merupakan hewan di eskosistem hutan bakau? A. Harimau B. Kepiting C. Beruang

The result of the survey tells us that most people have heard about Mangroves, they are aware that Mangroves live in the shore. They knew that two of the functions of Mangroves is to reduce the Carbon monoxide and to increase the production of oxygen in the air. They are aware of the fact that the common mistake of the Mangroves forest extinction is the salt water intrusion.
Making Conclusion
knowing that Mangroves forest plays an important role for the air we
breathe by reproducing oxygen and the food we eat by protecting and
providing a habitat for its ecosystems, the students feel they need to
find ways to help with the conservation and restoration of the forest.
In order to do that, they came up with several actions such as:
- Making DIY trash bin for Kawasan Eko Wisata Mangrove to be used by the visitors in the area in order to minimize the litter
- Doing some cleaning in the Mangrove forest area
- Doing story telling to lower grade such as K1 students to create awareness of the importance of the Mangroves ecosystem and as well as inform them ways to help with conservation and restoration.
- Participating 'Women for Mangrove Carnival,' at Monumen Nasional by donating Rp 50,000/person worth of one Mangrove tree