transdisciplinary theme
How the World Works
central idea
Innovative technologies to manage e-waste problems
lines of inquiry
- Technology to manage electronic waste (e-waste)
- How electronic waste impact the environment
- Our responsibilities towards electronic waste
al-quran quotations
Telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia. Dia, Allah menghendaki agar mereka mesarasakn sebagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka. Agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang lurus). 21: Surah Ar-Rum ayat 41
Meeting with parents
step 1: identifying global significant issue
Exploring, wondering and questioning
Many industrial sectors have the potential to produce environmental issues. Electronic industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. Electronics makes our life easier, faster, saving time, saving energy and entertainment. Nowadays, people cannot be separates from electronic devices. With the demand and usage of electronic equipment on the rise, the electronic waste (e-waste) produced each day is equally growing enormously around the globe. With people upgrading to new technology they aren't considering the environmental impact and how electronic waste is a global problem. When electronics are not recycled properly, the raw materials inside leech toxic chemicals into the ground, spoiling air, water also food, causing harm environmental and health problems.
After our research and discussion with mentors, we decided to focus on the issue about e-waste and figure out the technology solution to manage it.
After our research and discussion with mentors, we decided to focus on the issue about e-waste and figure out the technology solution to manage it.
step 2: determining timing and time frame
Making connections between previous learning and current learning
step 3: engaging support from the learning community
Collecting data and reporting findings or researching and seeking information
We distributed questionnaire around school communities to gather information about people knowledge towards e-waste in the society. We asked 50 people and there are 5 closed ended questions which need to answer yes/no.
1. Apakah anda tahu tentang e-waste/ limbah elektronik? 2. Apakah anda mempunyai e-waste di rumah? 3. Apakah anda tahu dimana kita mengumpulkan e-waste? 4. Apakah anda tahu jenis-jenis e-waste? 5. Menurut anda, apakah e-waste berbahaya? |
Excursion to Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
We went to Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan and interviewed Ibu Upik Sitti Aslia Kamil, ST, MSc from Dirjen Pengelolaan Sampah, Limbah dan Bahan Beracun Berbahaya (PSLB3). We want to find information about the government roles in managing e-waste in Indonesia and what kind of technology solution to handle e-waste problems.
Excursion to Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Our second resources was from Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Provinsi DKI Jakarta. DLH known has a program to overcome e-waste problems by prividing e-waste drop zone and pick up program. We interview Ibu Rosa to ask about the program and where they storage e-waste after it collected from the society and the following process after.
step 4: organizing the learning
Experimenting and playing with possibilities/ solving problems in a variety of ways
One of the facts students found from the interview with the resources was, e-waste has a horrible effect on the environment and living things and it is important to know how to prevent it. When e-waste is thrown in landfills, their toxic materials seep into groundwater, affecting both land and sea animals. This can also affect the health of the people where the e-waste is dumped.
We did experiment to find out e-waste effect to the environment when it disposes to the land. We use toxic materials from the batteries and disseminate it to the soil. We use plants and worms as the living elements. We observe the changes in the plants and animal for 5 days.
We put the soil in three different flower pots and named it as variable A, B and C:
1. Pot A (Variable A): Toxic materials powder from inside the batteries disseminate and mix with the soil
2. Pot B (Variable B): The whole used batteries planted in the soil
3. Pot C (Variable C): No batteries in the soil
1. Pot A (Variable A): Toxic materials powder from inside the batteries disseminate and mix with the soil
2. Pot B (Variable B): The whole used batteries planted in the soil
3. Pot C (Variable C): No batteries in the soil
plant No.1
plant No.2
Based on observation plant number 2, there was no slightly changes in the plants. Because the plants has more sturdy stem, so we think it needs more time to get the effects.
Whether we seen it or not, e-waste has negative impacts to the soil. Soil is one of the necessary parts of a healthy planet. As e-waste breaks down, it releases toxic heavy metals. When these toxic seep into the soil, they influence the plants and trees that are growing from the soil.
step 5: monitoring the exhibition
Taking and depending a position
Our action plan was to provide e-waste drop box program at school communities. we socialize our program plan during upper and lower assembly. We invite people at school to donate their e-waste at home and collect in our drop box. We also inform the danger of e-waste to the environment and health. We plan to put the drop box at Pak Amir's gate for two weeks.
Then the e-waste needs to be sort out and collected for 5 kilos, so we can deliver it to Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI for further e-waste process.
Then the e-waste needs to be sort out and collected for 5 kilos, so we can deliver it to Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI for further e-waste process.
Regarding the pandemic spread and government policy that allows us to stay at home, our action at school was cancelled and we decide to collect our own e-waste at home.
step 6: sharing the exhibition
Establishing and testing theories
Please check this link to listen to our video presentation about the exhibition process:
presentation via zoom
presentation video