Al-Qur'an Verse about the damage on Earth caused by human
COLLECTING DATA AND REPORTING FINDING/ RESEARCHING AND SEEKING INFORMATIONSeeking information about the Law and Government Roles toward Plastic Innovation
Fieldtrip to Dirjen Pengelolaan Sampah Limbah dan B3, Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. The learners meet Bapak Uso Siddik, Wakil Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Sampah
Collecting information about Plastic Innovation
After recognizing the Law and Government System which govern the plastic management waste and plastic innovation, the students then further their research about plastic innovation that have been invented by Indonesian citizens. Based on some articles and other resources, one of the most possible and impactful innovation is making an Ecobrick.
Furthermore, the students are having Workshop about how to create Ecobrick as one of the plastic innovations with Bapak Aang Hudaya (Certified Ecobrick Trainer). Ecobrick is a plastic bottle which is packed and filled by used plastics to set density to create a reusable building block. Ecobricks can be used to produce modular items, including furniture, garden walls and other structures. Ecobrick is made to effectively secure the plastic from degrading into toxins and microplastics. Not only knowing about ecobrick, the students also learn about the history of plastic, why plastic is being used in many industries, and why plastic then become serious problem. Collecting data from Saruga Store
When the students created the Ecobrick, they found that making ecobrick only doesn't seem to solve the problem if we don't consider these things:
Based on the findings above, the students furthered their research and discovered about Saruga Store. It is the store where people can buy basic needs without using single plastic packaging. The store is located in Bintaro, South Jakarta. EXPERIMENTING AND PLAYING WITH POSSIBILITIES/ SOLVING PROBLEMS IN A VARIETY OF WAYSThe students informed their Workshop of How to Create an Ecobrick and collect the plastic trashes from Al Jabr Community.
During the workshop, most of the students are excited to create Ecobrick and promise will give positive contribution to the environment by not throwing their own plastics trashes. Amanda, the first grader student was proudly shown us one of her ecobrick by herself; even it is not a proper ecobrick but we proud of her hard work. A few weeks after workshop, we gather information and interview some people who had been educated and learning how to manage their own plastic trashes through ecobrick but however due to the Corona Virus Pandemic it is rather bit difficult to make a suitable ecobrick which need a lot of trashes.
Here, we attach proper guidance to produce a proper ecobrick.
Considers action on learningParticipation
The learner is taking individual and collective action to understand the responsibilities associated with being internationally minded and to appreciate the benefits of working with others for a shared purpose. We applies PYP Learner Profiles and ATL Skills during the process of the exhibition. Working collaboratively with teachers, mentors and peers to plan, present, reflect upon, adjust and contribute to the group. Social Justice
We are taking action for positive change relating to create simple innovation in reducing plastic trashes. We are being able to encourage, persuade the community around us to save planet from plastic trashes. Lifestyle Choice
We are making positive lifestyle changes in saving the Planet Earth. In addition, we design refill candies and chocolate dummy as the replacement of plastic packaging. Advocacy Surat Aspirasi Kepada Yth. Ibu Rosa Vivien Ratnawati Direktur Jendral PSLB3 Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok IV Lantai 5 Jalan Jendral Gatot Soebroto Jakarta Pusat Perihal: Aspirasi dan Pengaduan Masyarakat Dengan hormat, Assalam’mualaikum Wr.Wb Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, teriring do’a semoga Ibu beserta jajaran dalam keadaan sehat wal’afiat dan senantiasa dalam lindungan Allah SWT dalam melaksanakan tugas dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Perkenalkan sebelumnya kami siswa-siswi kelas 5 dari Sekolah Islam Al Jabr yang beralamat di Jalan Bango II no. 34, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan. Sehubungan dengan kegiatan PYP Exhibition yang dilaksanakan di sekolah dengan tema: “Sistem Pemerintah Mempengaruhi Kehidupan Masyarakat” dan topik : “Peran Pemerintah Terhadap Inovasi Pengelolahan Sampah Plastik,” maka kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Latar Belakang Masalah Dalam proses exhibition yang kami jalani selama kurang lebih 3 bulan, kami mengamati banyaknya penumpukan sampah plastik di lingkungan sekitar kita, terutama di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Banyak warga yang masih menggunakan plastik sekali pakai serta andil perusahaan yang menggunakan plastik sebagai bahan pembungkus produk-produk yang di jual seperti berbagai jenis biskuit, permen, minyak sayur, deterjen dan lain-lain. Kami menemukan bahwa sampah plastik membutuhkan waktu 200 sampai dengan 400 tahun agar dapat terurai oleh tanah. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan timbulnya masalah lingkungan seperti zat kimia yang mencemari tanah dan sinar matahari membuat partikel-partikel kimia di dalam plastik mencemari udara. Selain itu, sisa-sisa kantong plastik banyak di temukan di dalam kerongkongan anak elang laut di Pulau Midway, Lautan Pasifik dan penyu di Kepulauan Seribu banyak yang mati karena mengkonsumsi plastik yang dikiranya seekor ubur-ubur. Solusi yang kami tawarkan Kami menyarankan beberapa solusi yang dapat kita lakukan, di antaranya adalah membuat inovasi yang membantu mengurangi penggunaan plastik dan juga mengatasi sampah plastik yang sudah ada. Salah satu perusahaan besar di negara ini yaitu Unilever, melakukan kerja sama dengan Saruga, yaitu toko yang menjual aneka kebutuhan rumah tangga dengan konsep yang unik, dimana mereka tidak menyediakan kantong atau botol plastik sebagai wadah dari produk yang mereka jual. Pembeli diminta untuk membawa sendiri wadah dari rumah, atau untuk pelanggan baru disediakan botol recycle secara gratis yang nantinya bisa dipergunakan lagi untuk pembelian selanjutnya. Mereka menggunakan dispenser untuk menjual produk liquid seperti sabun, shampo, pembersih lantai, hingga kecap. Harganya pun cukup murah dibandingkan minimarket yang ada saat ini. Menurut kami, peran pemerintah sangat diperlukan agar penggunaan plastik oleh sebagian besar perusahaan dapat dikurangi dengan menaikkan cukai plastik. Sehingga bisnis ritel zero waste store seperti Saruga dapat berkembang. Inovasi lain yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi sampah plastik adalah ecobrick dan masih banyak innovasi-innovasi lainnya yang dikembangkan masyarakat seperti eco-paving dan rebrick. Namun, pembuatan ecobrick, eco-paving dan rebrick hanya bertujuan mengatasi sampah plastik yang sudah ada dan hal ini bukanlah solusi akhir dalam penanggulangan sampah plastik jika masih banyak perusahaan tetap memproduksi dan menggunakan plastik untuk kemasan produknya. Kami harapkan, peran pemerintah segera menjalankan cukai plastik dan membuat Undang-Undang yang berkenaan dengan penggunaan plastik. Demikian surat aspirasi ini kami tulis agar mendapatkan tanggapan dan memberikan solusi terhadap penanggulangan sampah plastik. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Kallysta Huison Namia Zoom Meeting
Due to Coronavirus pandemic, the students, teachers and parents continue the collaboration. We stay in touch through whatsapp group, google classroom and zoom meeting.
After gaining sufficient knowledge from Saruga Store and other resources related to reducing waste especially plastic waste, the learners understand that the industries need to implement in managing the plastic waste and find out other solution to sell zero waste products. Now amazingly, there are many industries work collaboratively with retail business industries to sell zero waste products. We as customers need to support this positive improvement so when there are a lot of demands from the customers, the supplies will be growing and its means there is a new culture of selling product. At this point, the exhibition team decide to be involved in the new changing by creating dummy for refill station. Each student will illustrate their ideal candy dispenser so someday if you want to buy some candies from supermarket or mini market, you need to bring your own snack box.
PResentation slides
Here's the link of Students Presentation
Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans if we don't do anything. From the first step of exhibition process until this reflection step, we conclude if each person has roles, rights and responsibilities to save this planet so they do the best they can to minimize the devastation on Earth.
•We received new knowledge about the impact of plastic.
•We were encouraged to apply thinking skills to find solution.
•We improved our writing skills.
•We gained confidence when we did the workshop; had a speech.
•We sometimes forgot to do the tasks and homework from mentors.
•We couldn’t gather many plastics for ecobrick because of Covid-19.
•We need to manage our time wisely.
•We still need to continue the action on making ecobrick.
•We need to continue creating a dummy of candy refill to reduce the use of plastic.
•We need to urge Government to apply the refill station and apply plastic taxes.
•We received new knowledge about the impact of plastic.
•We were encouraged to apply thinking skills to find solution.
•We improved our writing skills.
•We gained confidence when we did the workshop; had a speech.
•We sometimes forgot to do the tasks and homework from mentors.
•We couldn’t gather many plastics for ecobrick because of Covid-19.
•We need to manage our time wisely.
•We still need to continue the action on making ecobrick.
•We need to continue creating a dummy of candy refill to reduce the use of plastic.
•We need to urge Government to apply the refill station and apply plastic taxes.
Plastic waste: The blame is on us, convenience-minded consumers
Pengurangan kantong kresek 'tak cukup' atasi masalah sampah plastik Jakarta
Waste on my plate
Inovasi Daur Ulang Sampah Plastik Jadi “Paving Block”
Mengubah Limbah Plastik Menjadi Paving Block (1)
6 Roof and Pavement Tiles from Plastic Waste
Ani Himawati & Ecobricks in Indonesia
Seni Mengolah Sampah Plastik - Insight with Desi Anwar
Kurangi Sampah Plastik dengan Ecobrick
An innovation to convert plastic into polyfuel | Planet Healers E4P1 | The Discovery Channel
Penerapan Cukai Kantong Plastik Masuk APBN 2020
Peraturan Pemerintah mengenai Instrumen Ekonomi Lingkungan Hidup