The Students
The Mentors
The Central Idea
Government system influences the live of citizen
Lines of Inquiry
Function of government system
Decision making
Impact of government to citizen
Rights and responsibility
Decision making
Impact of government to citizen
Rights and responsibility
The issue that we would like to inquire is:
"What are the impacts of reforestation in Jakarta to the environment"
The Stages of investigation
Tuning in ...
17-21 February 2014
As the issue of our exhibition group is still too wide to investigate, we agree to limit the area of investigation as below:
“What are the impacts of reforestation in Jakarta to the environment?”
.... and to tune our mind in the issue, the mentors gave some works to do below:
Dear students,
To tune our mind in the focus area that we agreed before, here I give you some homework to do:
1. Read article about reforestration
2. Search information about what the Indonesian government concerns about environment, mainly reforestration
3. Make a mapping of Jakarta and the surrounding cities that contribute the impacts of reforestration
4. Suggest places that potentially beneficial for our group to gather the information/data about reforestration in Jakarta and the surrounding
Report your research to the mentor in any possible ways such as:
- Mind-map
- Sketch or printout for the Map
- List down
- NSEW Chart (N=Need to know, S=Suggestion for finding out, E=Excited about, W=Worried about)
Deadline: Sunday, 23 February 2014
Please get for help if you need as soon as possible.
The compilation of the students' responses are:
2. Info about what the Indonesian gov concern abt environment/ reforestation:
SBY Promotes Reforestation
sby Speech at The Opening of International Workshop on Tropical Forest
reforestation in north jkt:
green open spaces in jkt:
3. mapping of jkt and surrounding cities that contributes the impacts of the reforestation:
JAKARTA : as a capital city has grown as a central of many life activities such as industry, education, trade, tourism, and services. jkt still need more green area ( city park).
lingkungan hidup
penghijauan lebih baik
BOGOR: in a mission re planting 500 trees, Kebon Raya Bogor as a lung o fBogor city.
longsor warga bogor menanam pohon
DepoK : Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan (DKP) Kota Depok membuat taman seperator di jl sepanjang Depok. di Depok ada Cagar Alam Pancoran Mas Depok yaitu taman hutan raya yang umurnya lebih tua dari Kebun Raya Bogor.
cagar alam di depok
taman separator di depok
4. suggest places to collect data:
TNC (my dad know the contact person )
any others big property developer (to know about their concern in green area in their program) such as : Agung Podomoro, Ciputra property, dll
thanks God, i sent this before 12
cheers & good night ms and mr
“What are the impacts of reforestation in Jakarta to the environment?”
.... and to tune our mind in the issue, the mentors gave some works to do below:
Dear students,
To tune our mind in the focus area that we agreed before, here I give you some homework to do:
1. Read article about reforestration
2. Search information about what the Indonesian government concerns about environment, mainly reforestration
3. Make a mapping of Jakarta and the surrounding cities that contribute the impacts of reforestration
4. Suggest places that potentially beneficial for our group to gather the information/data about reforestration in Jakarta and the surrounding
Report your research to the mentor in any possible ways such as:
- Mind-map
- Sketch or printout for the Map
- List down
- NSEW Chart (N=Need to know, S=Suggestion for finding out, E=Excited about, W=Worried about)
Deadline: Sunday, 23 February 2014
Please get for help if you need as soon as possible.
The compilation of the students' responses are:
2. Info about what the Indonesian gov concern abt environment/ reforestation:
SBY Promotes Reforestation
sby Speech at The Opening of International Workshop on Tropical Forest
reforestation in north jkt:
green open spaces in jkt:
3. mapping of jkt and surrounding cities that contributes the impacts of the reforestation:
JAKARTA : as a capital city has grown as a central of many life activities such as industry, education, trade, tourism, and services. jkt still need more green area ( city park).
lingkungan hidup
penghijauan lebih baik
BOGOR: in a mission re planting 500 trees, Kebon Raya Bogor as a lung o fBogor city.
longsor warga bogor menanam pohon
DepoK : Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan (DKP) Kota Depok membuat taman seperator di jl sepanjang Depok. di Depok ada Cagar Alam Pancoran Mas Depok yaitu taman hutan raya yang umurnya lebih tua dari Kebun Raya Bogor.
cagar alam di depok
taman separator di depok
4. suggest places to collect data:
TNC (my dad know the contact person )
any others big property developer (to know about their concern in green area in their program) such as : Agung Podomoro, Ciputra property, dll
thanks God, i sent this before 12
cheers & good night ms and mr
Sorting out ...
24-28 February 2014
What are the impacts of reforestation in Jakarta to the environment
Government policy:
UUD 1945 Pasal 33 “Bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung didalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat.”
Sumber Artikel:
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan
Alquran quotation:
How will the data and information be gathered?
- Visiting the primary resources such as; Kampung Hijau Banjarsari, Cilandak Barat, Dinas Kehutanan dan Pertanian Jakarta Selatan
- Some web resources compiled from the students and recommended by the mentors
- Questionnaire spread to three different audiences; school community, community around the school, home neighborhood
How the forest/plants are beneficial to human and the environment?
The results are collected from different resources and will be summarized in the next stage (conclusion)
What are the perspective of the government and the citizen toward reforestation?
Will be presented in the next stage (conclusion)
What can we do to maintain the environment?
Will be presented in the next stage (action)
- Seeding new plants
- Planting protecting threes
- Celebrating the International Day of Forest
- Creating stickers to campaign
- Plants barter (plants adoption)
Finding out...
3-7 March 2014

Do you ever realized that Pondok Labu city has a city forest. Thanks to Dinas Kehutanan Jakarta Selatan to give us opportunity to visit and investigate this valuable resource.
Day of visit:
Monday, 10 March 2014
Kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan
Suku Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan
Jl. Prapanca No. 9 Jakarta Selatan
Rizky, Gana, Musa, Rasya
Ms. Musy, Ms. Shanti
Ibu Ninin (Gana's mom)
Day of visit:
Monday, 10 March 2014
Kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan
Suku Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan
Jl. Prapanca No. 9 Jakarta Selatan
Rizky, Gana, Musa, Rasya
Ms. Musy, Ms. Shanti
Ibu Ninin (Gana's mom)

This is Ibu Nuning (fifth from the left), the founder of the idea "Kampung Hijau" Banjarsari, Cilandak Jakarta Selatan. She is very enthusiast and is still energetic (even though she is not young anymore) to explain what she has done to her community and what changes has she made regarding to her action to make the environment better. She gift a good message after our visiting; "Small action comes from ourselves, and it will grow bigger and bigger, like the trees we planted"
Day of visit:
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Kampung Hijau Banjarsari, Cilandak - Jakarta Selatan
Ms. Anik, Gana, Rasya, Syahna, Musa, Rizqy, Ibu Ninin (Gana's mom)
Day of visit:
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Kampung Hijau Banjarsari, Cilandak - Jakarta Selatan
Ms. Anik, Gana, Rasya, Syahna, Musa, Rizqy, Ibu Ninin (Gana's mom)
Another pictures of our visiting to Kampung Hijau Banjarsari Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan
Another pictures of our visiting to Dinas Kehutanan Jakarta Selatan and Hutan Kota Pondok Labu Jakarta Selatan