central idea
"Understanding of scientific knowledge is constantly evolving and has an impact on people's lives."
lines of inquiry:
- What leads to advances in scientific knowledge and understanding
- The role of technology in scientific understanding
- The effects of scientific advances on people and the environment
exploring, wondering, and questioning
The population in urban areas always increases and so is the health problem. As the air quality becomes polluted and the sanitation issues worsen, the communities can easily infected by many kind of diseases.
This group theme is about infectious disease in urban communities. For their issues, they will focus on the diseases that infect human respiratory system. This body system is easy to infect because when we breathe, the air may transferred many kinds of germs. The students start their inquiry by exploring information from articles, newspapers, internet, books and discussing with mentors. After reading and researching, they also mapping what kind of popular diseases that could infect the respiratory organ. |
researching information and collecting data
Excursion to Pulmonologist - Dr. Amira Anwar Sp.P FAPSR
We visit Pondok Indah hospital to interview Dr. Amira, a Pulmonologist. A Pulmonologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating conditions and diseases of the lungs. We want to gain more information about diseases involving respiratory tract. How the symptoms of the diseases that infected our breathing area. What is the best treatment and how can we prevent it. We also focus on the inquiry about Diphtheria disease that recently become extraordinary event in Indonesia.
Some of the things we found out from the interview was in Indonesia the most dangerous diseases infected respiratory system are Pneumonia and Tuberculosis. Also, the patient of Diphtheria cases will be handled by Ministry of Health to get special treatment. |
Our Reflection
Excursion to Ditjen Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit, Kementrian Kesehatan RI
For our second resources, we visit one of the unit in Ministry of Health that handling infectious diseases. We interviewed to find out more about government program and their participation in managing infectious diseases in the society.
Some of the government roles is to control the diseases so there would be no outbreak. In order to prevent the disease, government support and socialize health program as well as sharing information through lots of media. Other things we found out, the company that makes vaccines is called Biofarma. The main office and factory is in Bandung. |
Our Reflection
eksperimenting and playing with possibilities
There are lots of way to prevent or avoid the spreading of airborne virus to other. One of the way is to wear surgical masks/ face masks when we are sick. Our experiment is to find out whether wearing a mask will be effective at preventing the spread of viruses around us. Our plan is to observe several classes and find students that suffers with respiratory disorders. Then, we will give them masks and encourage them to consistently use the masks for certain time. We asked permission to class room teachers and asked students that suffers with Flu or Cough to become our respondent for the next three days.
making and testing the theories
We gave our respondent surgical masks everyday with a different range of time:
Day 1: start from 08.00, wearing a mask for 1 hour
Day 2: start from 08.00, wearing a mask for 2 hour
Day 3: start from 08.00, wearing a mask for 3 hour
In the mid of the day, we checked the condition of other students in their classes. Were any students infected or not?
Day 1: start from 08.00, wearing a mask for 1 hour
Day 2: start from 08.00, wearing a mask for 2 hour
Day 3: start from 08.00, wearing a mask for 3 hour
In the mid of the day, we checked the condition of other students in their classes. Were any students infected or not?
deepening understanding through the application of a concept
For our first action, we designed poster about PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) di sekolah. This poster is about clean and healthy behavior we can do in school to promote well being and health. We also become the model of the poster. In general, the purpose is to educate people about implementing healthy life styles in their community. In specific, the poster could remind people to prevent diseases and not transmitting diseases by implementing this behavior.
Next, we prepared colorful and fashionable masks that is made of cloth. We put Exhibition label and washed until it's clean. We distributed the masks around school community. We give away free masks to vehicle riders and pedestrians. Our purpose is to make people aware about breathing in a healthy air. So, they need to cover their noses with masks while on the road, while having Flu or cold. The masks is also washable so it can be use for many times.