transdisciplinary theme
How We Organize Ourselves
CeNtral IDEA
''Government function to protect their citizens''
lines of inquiry
1. How government protect their citizens
2. How human interact with government by it's consequences
3. The role of technology to minimize crime
2. How human interact with government by it's consequences
3. The role of technology to minimize crime
Ms Tari, Ms Nurul, Ms Lala, Ms Salwa, Ms Maya
step 1:
The students start their inquiry by discussing with mentors, research various information to identify and sort out issues that related to their central idea.
One of the government function is to afford protection to its citizens from things that threaten. Nowadays, the increasing of digital technology is able to facilitate human activities but also create negative impact such as criminal action through internet known as cyber crime. So, they decided to focus on cyber crime for their global issue, specifically online trading issues or online trading scam. |
step 2: determining timing and time frame
Step 3:
We visit and interviewed experts or resources that can help support our inquiries and gain more information about the issue.
Excursion to Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus, Polda Metro Jaya
Excursion to Direktorat Pengendalian Aplikasi Informatika, Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika
step 4:
Students make reflection and organize information they collected from the resources using various of way. One of the things they found out was online scam or online fraud become the most frequent cases of cyber crime happened in the society.
Reflection from Polda Metro Jaya
Reflection from Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika
To investigate this, the students make questioner to find out the behavior of people who become scam victims while purchasing online. We distribute the questioner to 100 respondents. The respondents are people in the age above 19 years, have been experienced scam, and actively using the internet (online). We make printed questioner and online questioner then analyze their answer in a conclusion.
questioner result
The respondent who gets the most fraud were females
step 5: monitoring the exhibition |
Based on our questioner result, we plan to take action. The action was based on the answers from number 7, 8 and 9. Most of them complain but don't know where to report. Most of them don't know government website to report this cases. And most of them will still buy online even though they have been scammed.
social justice
We invite Expert, Bapak Helmi, from Kominfo to educate students and Aljabr community about how to use internet properly. He explained how to avoid scams during online transactions and where to report if they are victims. One of the way is using Kominfo website to help check credible bank account before transferring money to seller and report if they are having scam.
lifestyle choice
Students create a comic strips to influence people and help promote government website to reduce scam risk when they doing online transactions. After that, they posted the comics to Kominfo Instagram and gave the printing version to school library.