access to quality education for disadvantaged FAMILIESUnit of Inquiry: How We Organize Ourselves (An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment)
Central Idea: Government systems influence the lives of citizens Related Concepts: Equality, citizenship, governance, law and politics the Mentors and the students
exploring, wondering, and questioning
By discussing with the mentors, the students formulated and asked questions about the related topics. They talked over the possible real-life issues or problems to be investigated and came up to these questions during inquiry cycle.
- Why some of the poor people don't get the education they need?
- How does the government fund the subsidy program?
- How can the disadvantaged people get Kartu Indonesia Pintar or Kartu Jakarta Pintar subsidy?
- Why are there still certain people who are eligible for Kartu Indonesia Pintar or Kartu Jakarta Pintar but cannot receive the subsidy?
- What will happen if disadvantaged families doesn't get the Kartu Jakarta Pintar subsidy?
- Is the monthly allowance provided through the subsidy enough for the cardholders to support their study?
researching and seeking information
During this stage, the students investigated the issues using the mind-map and Know-Want to Know-Learn chart. They found out about the vocabularies and keywords and elaborate to support their data.
- Education: teaching and learning in school or college
- Quality: the extent to which something is good or bad
- Family: parents and children, sometimes including their grandchildren
- Money: a means of payment, especially coins or paper notes
- Disadvantaged: not having things, for example education or money
- Disability: any continuing condition that restricts everyday activities, a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities
- Access: the right or opportunity to do something or see someone
- Poverty
collecting data and reporting findings
Reflection after field trip to SDN Pondok Labu 02 Pagi and Kelurahan Kebagusan
White Hat (Facts)
Black Hat (Negative things)
Red Hat (Feeling)
Yellow Hat (Positive things)
Blue Hat (Process)
Green Hat (Creativity)
- I think we can provide activities in RPTRA, for example reading activities for those children who doesn't have opportunities to get quality education.
- We can also add more books collection in RPTRA library to encourage children to learn independently.
- And then, we can support them with providing sport tools to facilitate their physical activities because it is important to balance their intellectual, physical, and emotional well-being.
Experimenting and playing with possibilities
I. At this stage, the students are planning to gather data through questionnaire for children who haven't had Kartu Jakarta Pintar subsidy. They went on a field trip on Friday, 23rd March 2018 to RPTRA Kecapi, Jagakarsa.
From the questionnaire gathered in the field trip, the students made a bar graph for each question.
Questionnaire result: (from 20 respondents)
Why didn't you get the KJP subsidy?
What activities do you want to learn? (This question can be answered more than one options.)
II. Fund Raising for Action
After interviewing Ibu Bur from Kelurahan Kebagusan and analyzing the questionnaires result from children at RPTRA Kecapi, we decided to do our action at RPTRA Kecapi on Thursday, 12th April 2018. Our purposes are to create awareness about the activities in RPTRA, motivate children to go to school, and support children at school. Therefore, we made a poster about the activities schedule, held a puppet show and a science experiment show, and distributed stationaries to the children.
During our research, we got a lot of information about Kartu Jakarta Pintar and how it helps children to get quality informal education. We find out that some children couldn't get the subsidy because of administration problems. However, the existence of RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terbuka Ramah Anak) has helped children to get better informal education. We hope our action can help people to be more aware to participate in improving quality education.